
[Top] Progress

Blog:v1.0 App:v0.0

[Blog] Main frame ready.
[Blog] App intro page is developing.
[App ] Swift learning.


time:April 12, 2024, 7:23 a.m.

The sound I hate most is the sleepy sound made by the lecturer with the microphone in the training room.

say something in work

time:April 8, 2024, 7:29 a.m.

Every time I develop a new requirement, GPT saves my life.

I prefer to use Claude2, however it banned me permanently, ChatGPT is friendly in comparision, although it often makes silly mistakes...

Cheers! My website was successfully built!

time:April 5, 2024, 12:19 p.m.

When you come across this post, it signifies that I've successfully built my blog from scratch using Django/Bootstrap/Gunicorn/Nginx/HTML/CSS. (Thanks to the open-source libraries, framework codes, and themes XD)

Initially, I thought creating my own blog wouldn't be a big deal; maybe it would take around two weeks to complete everything. However, I was mistaken. It consumed a significant amount of energy to develop and debug across various fields (like troubleshooting Django configurations, resolving Linux service issues, tackling Nginx quirks, and even facing challenges while compiling Python).

Fortunately, in April, I finally made it happen! Now, the next step is to upload my pictures and share some recipes.laugh